Taking proper skin care is the fastest way to get fair skin complexion both for men and women. For both women and men, for getting fair skin tone proper skincare is essential. At the present time, men are also giving full attention on their appearance and complexion along with dressing style. If you want a fair skin then this article is for you.

Men get darker skin due to age spots, overexposure to the sun, scars and freckles that add to hyper pigmentation. Your skin becomes darker in which the accumulation of natural pigment in skin named melanin. There are many ways by which a man can get a fair skin. In market, there are many products which play an important role in the achievement of fair skin.

How To Get Fair And Glowing Skin For Men

Taking Care of Your Skin

1. Cleanse Your Skin Regularly

In this process deep skin cleansing takes place where the dead skin and clogged impurities are removed from the top layer of skin making you look fresh and fair. Now a days there are lots of facial scrubs available in market that are just for men’s use. Buy scrubs that contain salicylic acid, citric acid, fruit enzymes, glycolic acid. For getting more effective results it advised to steam skin before exfoliation. Steam consists of hot vapours that make our soft and easy for the scrub to clean the dirt and oils from skin. Follow this method just once a week for getting instant skin fairness.

2. Shaving a Part of Daily Regime

Try to shave in the night so that the fluids recede from your face. The puffiness that is the result of close shave will not show on your face. You will look healthy and fresh in the morning.

3. Use Sun Protection

Strong winds tend to take away the moisture from hair making skin making it dry and rough. Also hot sunny weathers can lead to pigmentation and darkening of skin. Hence you need to provide adequate moisture to skin. Also use fairness creams for men that have sun protection to shield your skin from the harmful rays of sun. Wear full sleeves clothes, hats and caps to reduce the exposure of sun to skin.

4. Wash Your Face

For fair face you need to remove the impurities from skin you encountered throughout the day. Use a good face wash for clearing the dirt and dust that sticks to your skin. Wash your face twice or thrice daily for making skin glowing and fair. Remember to provide moisture to skin after every wash. This will prevent your skin from drying and keep it soft and smooth.

5. Massage Your Skin

Massages your skin not with moisturizer but only takes an ice dice with and rub over your skin. It helps to improve blood movement to skin building it more shimmering as well as fair. Get 2-3 ice cubes in a clean cloth as well as gently rubs it to skin every day for 15 minutes prior to sleeping.

6. Healthy  Food For Skin

Healthy food like fruits and vegetables should be provided for nourishing the skin cells. Its not that eating oily food and spicy food will make your skin oily. But these foods are hard to digest and makes you unhealthy and thus skin may look dry and dull. Hence include vitamin C, E, A , proteins and antioxidants for keeping skin fair and young.

7. Drink a Lot of Water

Gulp down a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated as water helps flush out toxins from your body, making your skin glowing and youthful. Ensure you drink 10-12 glasses of water everyday to keep yourself hydrated and active all the time.

8. Give Up Smoking

Dear boys, give your skin a favour by giving up smoking as smoking depletes oxygen level in your body and damages collagen, resulting in appearance of  tell-tale signs of wrinkles and fine-lines on your skin faster than normal. Not only for your body, smoking is bad for your all round health. So guys, do not let smoking suck life and radiance out of your skin and make a resolution to give up smoking right away.

9. Proper Sleep of 8 Hours

 Do you know that lack of sleep can play havoc with your skin? Yes, it is true!  Sleep deprivation can trigger off break down in collagen , a protein that keeps skin tight and elastic. As a result, it can speed up aging process, making your face wrinkled and dull. in addition, dark circles, which rob your skin's radiance, are  by-products of sleep-deprivation.  So 8 hours of qualitative sleep is a must to keep your skin healthy.

Home Remedies For Getting a Fairer Skin

  • Take 1/2 teaspoon of ground almond powder, 1/2 teaspoon of  sandalwood, 1/2 teaspoon of neem leaf extract and 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix these with some milk and apply on your face as a mask. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. This will make your skin fairer.
  •  Rub lemon juice to skin for deeply removing the blocked dirt and oils from skin. Citric acid in lemon works as a natural bleaching agent for skin, while vitamin C removes dark spots from skin making it beautiful. Let it stay for 15-20 minutes and then wash off.
  • Cucumber is also a great skin lightening natural product that contains bleaching properties that helps to make skin fair. Keep the slices of cucumber on skin daily for 20 minutes. Keeping cucumbers also provides moisture to skin giving you a lighten skin tone.
  • Mix turmeric powder to milk cream and cover skin with this paste. While turmeric makes skin radiant milk cream provide moisture and nourishment giving you a fairer skin complexion.
  • Gel of aloe vera is rich in anti oxidants, moisture and vitamins that help in repairing damaged skin and improving skin complexion. This gel also acts as a natural scrub and should be massaged in circular motion for removing dead cells and dirt from skin.
  • You can buy some olive oil or the wonder oil called Argan oil. Massage it lightly on your body. This results in fairer complexion. Your skin will also get a healthy glow.
  • Mixture of fruit juices like papaya, pineapple and strawberry can be used as a facial mask for getting a fair skin tone.
  • Potato also has a lightening effect on skin that is beneficial in fading the dark spots, scars. It also contains an enzyme that has properties for lightening dark skin. Rub potato slices or apply its juice to skin. Keep it for 15 minutes and wash it using warm water.
  • Mixture of carrot and beetroot juice helps to make skin more reddish and fair.
  • In case of dry skin keep honey on skin for 15-20 minutes. Honey is a great source of moisture and also helps in treating skin allergies.

How To Get Fair Skin For Men

Taking proper skin care is the fastest way to get fair skin complexion both for men and women. For both women and men, for getting fair skin tone proper skincare is essential. At the present time, men are also giving full attention on their appearance and complexion along with dressing style. If you want a fair skin then this article is for you.

Men get darker skin due to age spots, overexposure to the sun, scars and freckles that add to hyper pigmentation. Your skin becomes darker in which the accumulation of natural pigment in skin named melanin. There are many ways by which a man can get a fair skin. In market, there are many products which play an important role in the achievement of fair skin.

How To Get Fair And Glowing Skin For Men

Taking Care of Your Skin

1. Cleanse Your Skin Regularly

In this process deep skin cleansing takes place where the dead skin and clogged impurities are removed from the top layer of skin making you look fresh and fair. Now a days there are lots of facial scrubs available in market that are just for men’s use. Buy scrubs that contain salicylic acid, citric acid, fruit enzymes, glycolic acid. For getting more effective results it advised to steam skin before exfoliation. Steam consists of hot vapours that make our soft and easy for the scrub to clean the dirt and oils from skin. Follow this method just once a week for getting instant skin fairness.

2. Shaving a Part of Daily Regime

Try to shave in the night so that the fluids recede from your face. The puffiness that is the result of close shave will not show on your face. You will look healthy and fresh in the morning.

3. Use Sun Protection

Strong winds tend to take away the moisture from hair making skin making it dry and rough. Also hot sunny weathers can lead to pigmentation and darkening of skin. Hence you need to provide adequate moisture to skin. Also use fairness creams for men that have sun protection to shield your skin from the harmful rays of sun. Wear full sleeves clothes, hats and caps to reduce the exposure of sun to skin.

4. Wash Your Face

For fair face you need to remove the impurities from skin you encountered throughout the day. Use a good face wash for clearing the dirt and dust that sticks to your skin. Wash your face twice or thrice daily for making skin glowing and fair. Remember to provide moisture to skin after every wash. This will prevent your skin from drying and keep it soft and smooth.

5. Massage Your Skin

Massages your skin not with moisturizer but only takes an ice dice with and rub over your skin. It helps to improve blood movement to skin building it more shimmering as well as fair. Get 2-3 ice cubes in a clean cloth as well as gently rubs it to skin every day for 15 minutes prior to sleeping.

6. Healthy  Food For Skin

Healthy food like fruits and vegetables should be provided for nourishing the skin cells. Its not that eating oily food and spicy food will make your skin oily. But these foods are hard to digest and makes you unhealthy and thus skin may look dry and dull. Hence include vitamin C, E, A , proteins and antioxidants for keeping skin fair and young.

7. Drink a Lot of Water

Gulp down a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated as water helps flush out toxins from your body, making your skin glowing and youthful. Ensure you drink 10-12 glasses of water everyday to keep yourself hydrated and active all the time.

8. Give Up Smoking

Dear boys, give your skin a favour by giving up smoking as smoking depletes oxygen level in your body and damages collagen, resulting in appearance of  tell-tale signs of wrinkles and fine-lines on your skin faster than normal. Not only for your body, smoking is bad for your all round health. So guys, do not let smoking suck life and radiance out of your skin and make a resolution to give up smoking right away.

9. Proper Sleep of 8 Hours

 Do you know that lack of sleep can play havoc with your skin? Yes, it is true!  Sleep deprivation can trigger off break down in collagen , a protein that keeps skin tight and elastic. As a result, it can speed up aging process, making your face wrinkled and dull. in addition, dark circles, which rob your skin's radiance, are  by-products of sleep-deprivation.  So 8 hours of qualitative sleep is a must to keep your skin healthy.

Home Remedies For Getting a Fairer Skin

  • Take 1/2 teaspoon of ground almond powder, 1/2 teaspoon of  sandalwood, 1/2 teaspoon of neem leaf extract and 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix these with some milk and apply on your face as a mask. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. This will make your skin fairer.
  •  Rub lemon juice to skin for deeply removing the blocked dirt and oils from skin. Citric acid in lemon works as a natural bleaching agent for skin, while vitamin C removes dark spots from skin making it beautiful. Let it stay for 15-20 minutes and then wash off.
  • Cucumber is also a great skin lightening natural product that contains bleaching properties that helps to make skin fair. Keep the slices of cucumber on skin daily for 20 minutes. Keeping cucumbers also provides moisture to skin giving you a lighten skin tone.
  • Mix turmeric powder to milk cream and cover skin with this paste. While turmeric makes skin radiant milk cream provide moisture and nourishment giving you a fairer skin complexion.
  • Gel of aloe vera is rich in anti oxidants, moisture and vitamins that help in repairing damaged skin and improving skin complexion. This gel also acts as a natural scrub and should be massaged in circular motion for removing dead cells and dirt from skin.
  • You can buy some olive oil or the wonder oil called Argan oil. Massage it lightly on your body. This results in fairer complexion. Your skin will also get a healthy glow.
  • Mixture of fruit juices like papaya, pineapple and strawberry can be used as a facial mask for getting a fair skin tone.
  • Potato also has a lightening effect on skin that is beneficial in fading the dark spots, scars. It also contains an enzyme that has properties for lightening dark skin. Rub potato slices or apply its juice to skin. Keep it for 15 minutes and wash it using warm water.
  • Mixture of carrot and beetroot juice helps to make skin more reddish and fair.
  • In case of dry skin keep honey on skin for 15-20 minutes. Honey is a great source of moisture and also helps in treating skin allergies.

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